
Looking for quick tax information? Explore our Information Center for up-to-date resources and forms to streamline your tax organization process.

New client? Enhance your tax planning experience with our user-friendly tax organizer. This form simplifies the process, helping you organize all your tax information efficiently and enabling us to kickstart the journey to improved tax planning.

Access at-a-glance information on current tax rates for individuals and businesses with these convenient charts.

The federal Department of Finance holds the responsibility of creating all of our federal fiscal laws. Their decisions impact federal taxes, financial institutions, markets, and federal-provincial transfer payments.

Explore the Bank of Canada’s website for a wealth of useful features, including details on interest and exchange rates, financial indicators, securities auctions, and more.

You can also make use of the currency converter for quick information about how much the Canadian dollar is worth abroad.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is entrusted with the administration of tax laws on behalf of the Government of Canada. On their website, you can find useful resources and contact information.

Stay informed on national and international news with potential impacts on business management and taxes to ensure you are up to date on relevant developments

We pride ourselves in helping our Ontario-based clients grow. The Ontario Ministry of Revenue is responsible for the province’s financial interests. On this site, you can find information about tax and economic policy. 

Explore our online tax forms library for easily downloadable CRA forms in PDF format. All of the forms are acceptable for filling with the CRA. 

Here you’ll also find a collection of informative tax publications by the CRA written in plain language. These resources are designed to help taxpayers better understand various tax issues. 

Stay informed on the ever-evolving world of taxes and finances with these essential links, providing you with the latest updates and insights.

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Have an interest in working for a progressive and holistic audit/assurance firm? Email your resume to Whitney Payne, our human resource director. We are always looking for talented people with financial acumen.

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